Market - Expensive chills?
The Tuesday morning market was bullish as the American weather forecasts were significantly more high-pressure friendly again. The EC prognosis was more modest, and despite the fact that the market is in a rather bearish state at the moment, the fear of the upside is still present, players said this morning. “It is faith, hope and love to believe in a long period of dry and cold weather now though,” one of them said.
LiftThe summer contract was lifted some ten NOK this morning and was back at 210 NOK/MWh. It fell back a couple of NOKs but traded
back to 210 NOK/MWh towards noon. “The market incentive is nevertheless bearish, and all through January we have seen that.
When dry and cold forecasts are presented it naturally comes back up since players have respect for the negative resource...
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Dienstag, 04.02.2003, 11:57 Uhr
Dienstag, 04.02.2003, 11:57 Uhr