Market - Expectant Monday
Following several busy and bullish weeks, the market has opened silent and cautious today. Most contracts opened more or less where they closed on Friday, and has been trading sideways throughout the morning. A Swedish trader explained today’s quietness with an overbought Winter2 contract and a strong system price.
The underlying resource situation is still weakening, and the system price continues up with the Monday prise set at NOK/MWh
183.85 (+17.92). A Swedish trader argued this morning that the strong system price blocks for a necessary correction on the
Winter2 contract, and is an important reason for low liquidity today.
“Activity is low today due to a very high RSI on Winter2 and a...
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Montag, 02.09.2002, 12:19 Uhr
Montag, 02.09.2002, 12:19 Uhr