Market – Dropping further
( - The market continued its southward journey this morning as the weather prognoses agree on warmer and wetter weather again from Saturday. – Every day we are eating more and more into a period where we normally would have cold temperatures and high load. This makes the possibilities of a big upside smaller, an international trader said this morning.
The forward & future contracts continued to fall during a busy Wednesday morning with the weekly contracts going back NOK
5-7 from yesterday’s close and the Summer02 visiting the NOK 150s. – Recent precipitation data and forecast of mild and wet
weather are pushing prices down. But it is difficult to say how far down it will go, a Norwegian producer said this morning....
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Mittwoch, 23.01.2002, 12:15 Uhr
Mittwoch, 23.01.2002, 12:15 Uhr