Market - Down to earth
The Wednesday market continued its downturn, as weather forecasts confirmed the mild and wettish outlooks for the period. Players we spoke with this morning held that the potential remains considerable on the upside this winter though, and that the weekly products would continue to swing the most. One of the traders said that many players are probably scratching their heads over this at the moment.
BalanceThe hydrological situation is far from balanced, and February is just around the corner with the possibility of cold winter
weather under normal conditions. The current weather forecasts are mildish and wettish, however, while players may have been
positioned differently for the current period and hence the drop witnessed today. Players we spoke with were somewhat surprised
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Mittwoch, 29.01.2003, 12:11 Uhr
Mittwoch, 29.01.2003, 12:11 Uhr