Market - Down and stop on spot
The afternoon market had entered the seller’s mood before the system price, but dipped further down as it was fixed below expectations at 260.10 NOK/MWh (-5.98). The reservoir figures were up more or less according to expectations and much based on record high imports, while V2-03 had problems below the spot level and traded 260/262 NOK/MWh for most of the afternoon.
Despite a bearish afternoon, and more bearish sentiments in general, the market does not all that easily hook up with the
downside. V2-03 struggles to break through the 260-level, and only briefly dipped below. “I think it is spot driven that the
V2-03 contract struggled to get below 260 NOK/MWh today. This morning we saw that the upside was rejected as well, although
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Mittwoch, 07.05.2003, 16:26 Uhr
Mittwoch, 07.05.2003, 16:26 Uhr