Market - Dead water today, any direction tomorrow
At open the Wednesday morning market was lifted on drier forecasts. The general sentiment today is a market awaiting something, however, and players we spoke with had no strong opinions about a clear direction. “It’s a market in dead water. It is too early to take it up on the balance deficit, and there is no pressure on the producers when precipitation is delivered either,” a Norwegian trader said. “Neutral,” an international trader declared.
The spot is strong, the weather forecasts are wet and the market is waiting for signals. “The uptrend may have been cut the
last couple of days. It could be flattening out and turning carefully down now, but at the same time as I am slightly bearish
for the summer I’m neutral for right now,” the international trader said.
The two first trading days this week were...
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Mittwoch, 07.05.2003, 11:46 Uhr
Mittwoch, 07.05.2003, 11:46 Uhr