Market - Correction, sentiment remains bearish
The Thursday morning market corrected up seeing the drier weather forecasts. “Some nervous souls who were short saw the operational this morning,” a Norwegian trader said. A Swedish trader found the fall over the last days all set for a correction, and thought maybe V1-04 was a little underpriced.
Right now it is the spot that drives the market, with mild weather and an incentive to produce a little more than what has
been the case lately, the Norwegian trader held. And so the nearest weeks fell a few NOK this morning. He considered the market
sentiment bearish, but recognized the continued fear for the upside as well.
- The market is running in the old groove, and my impression...
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Donnerstag, 20.11.2003, 12:32 Uhr
Donnerstag, 20.11.2003, 12:32 Uhr