Market - Correction, consumption, and not so much confusion
The Thursday morning market continued down another level but was as thin as we have started to get used to this December. The likelihood of a weather change, at least a temporary one, is contributing to the fall, while decreasing consumption is given the main credit for the continued and significant correction.
V1-03 is on its way to delivery, and more focus is being placed on the summer contract, but all in all players seem most content
that the extremities are over for now.As the market has coped fine through the crisis, we have been given proof that the problem was never capacity shortage, but
a weak energy balance. Players today say they are impressed to have experienced how well it all...
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© 2024 Energie & Management GmbH
Donnerstag, 12.12.2002, 12:10 Uhr
Donnerstag, 12.12.2002, 12:10 Uhr