Market - Cool weather, sensible prices
Prices were lifted a few NOK this morning in an otherwise calm Tuesday market. The morning chill increased consumption in the Nordics and according to an analyst the system price could have one more lift this week before it starts falling back towards the weekend. In the big picture it is still precipitation that counts, and much interest is connected to the reservoir figures that will be presented tomorrow. The present winter price he characterized as “relatively sensible,” i.e., under normal conditions.
Less than zero
Temperatures below zero in large parts of the Nordics increased consumption this morning, a contribution to today’s strong
spot. Next week will be cold as well, the analyst pointed out, but as nuclear power production should be up and running again,
he expected the spot to be held back. After tomorrow the system price should weaken as we near the weekend, and it is...
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Dienstag, 30.09.2003, 11:43 Uhr
Dienstag, 30.09.2003, 11:43 Uhr