Market - Continuing up, liquidity low
The market continues its recovery on Friday with the V1-03 gaining another 5 NOKs on yesterday and the other contracts also heading north. Liquidity is thin though as players show carefulness following this week´s dramatic long-squeeze. V1-03 remains cheap compared to the system price while the fact that Blocks 1 and 2 are cheaper than Block 13 makes no sense, market players say.
“Fundamentally there is no doubt that the market is under priced. But players are careful due to the high volatility witnessed
lately as they do not want to be caught in another long-squeeze”, a Swedish trader said this morning.Forward curve to lowDespite more rain and warmer weather this week the system price has stabilised around NOK 250 while the forward curve is still...
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Freitag, 25.10.2002, 12:29 Uhr
Freitag, 25.10.2002, 12:29 Uhr