Market - Bullish, but in intensive care
The Monday morning market saw a significant lift, as weather forecasts remain dry and cool for the entire period. Liquidity is very low, however, and players we have been in contact with this morning generally express their unwillingness to have an opinion about a market that just robbed them. “What we’ll see ahead is all going to be a game of when levels will break, and when people take profit,” a Norwegian trader argued.
Not the sameThe fundamental situation is intact, and the bull trend is back on track, one trader argued today. The madness witnessed last
week is still a topic among players, however, and influences their state of mind. Undoubtedly there has been a lot of blood
shed, and the psychology is correspondingly.Altitude mixed with attitudeThe expectations ahead are as bullish as they were before...
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Montag, 28.10.2002, 12:29 Uhr
Montag, 28.10.2002, 12:29 Uhr