Market - Bulling it softly
The Wednesday morning market continued its steady climb, as the weather outlooks remain dry and the hydro balance is ever declining. Players today seem to expect a sustained careful lift, but argue that in due time within the next couple of weeks, a leap is on the cards.
Bullish agreementAs soon as the hydro balance bursts more severely and the revaluation of water takes place, a stronger raise than what has
been the case the last couple of weeks is expected, players said this morning. For the time being they agreed that the system
price seemed to remain in the 180s NOK/MWh this week, while looking further ahead they found that a lift seems evident.Autumn...
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Mittwoch, 18.09.2002, 12:18 Uhr
Mittwoch, 18.09.2002, 12:18 Uhr