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Market - Bull scare and bear fear
After the strong Tuesday close the Wednesday market corrected back down, much like the pattern seen lately when the market takes the opposite direction the morning after. A Swedish trader said that he was very surprised that the market did not fall more than it did today, and argued that yesterday’s lift was more based on fear than reality. A Norwegian producer was bearish in the short picture too, but held that in the forward contracts the only way is up.
Uncertainty rules and the market yo-yos from day to day. The saying; when nothing is certain everything is possible seems to be very applicable to the current situation. The big question evidently is whether low-pressure activity is on its way to stay. Or not. Futures down According to the Norwegian producer the meteorological outlooks are much more rational than the way the market...

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Mittwoch, 05.03.2003, 12:13 Uhr