Market - Bull, but not Bull at Heart
Again the market was up at open, seeing that the weather forecasts were very dry. V2-03 speeded up to 322 NOK/MWh, but dropped back a few NOK during the morning session. A Swedish trader characterized the morning as similar to what we have seen the last period; up in the morning, then down. A Norwegian trader believed that prices could continue sagging down during the day, but at the end of the ten-day period anything can happen.
While the morning market was significantly up on the very dry forecasts, both traders believed that we would see prices a
little down throughout the day. Not necessarily back a lot, but in a 315-320 range, the Swedish trader said.
- This morning we saw the V2-03 contract peak at 322 NOK/MWh, and the question is whether we will have a strong close today
or not. Most likely the contract...
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Mittwoch, 03.09.2003, 11:38 Uhr
Mittwoch, 03.09.2003, 11:38 Uhr