Market - Bearish, but limited
The V2-03 contract fell back to 236.50 NOK/MWh this morning as renewed signs of more wet wetter was presented. It is on the cards that we will see the weakest spot so far this year on Ascension Day tomorrow, and with continued low pressure activity, the chances are best on the downside, two traders said today.
Liquidity was low this Wednesday morning, and only the bellwether V2-03 contract was somewhat busy and fell 3.50 NOK. Continued
low-pressure activity is the reason for the drop, and expectations of a weak spot over the next few days added to this, a
Swedish trader said.
The fact that yesterday’s high pressure disappeared in today’s weather outlooks took the market down...
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Mittwoch, 28.05.2003, 11:48 Uhr
Mittwoch, 28.05.2003, 11:48 Uhr