Market - Bad meets Evil
The only downside present in the market at the moment is the fact that “everybody” is long. That in itself could turn out to be the threat against a continued, strong bull trend, a Danish trader argued this morning, and added that it would become a blood bath if sell signals were detonated. Fundamentally the trend points in one direction only, however, and a Norwegian trader argued in favour of a continued lift, but underlined the need for caution as well.
Good to be long?Despite an exceptionally strong bull trend, it takes a lot of guts to hang on to a market on its way to heaven. Players today
express their firm belief in a continued upside, but simultaneously warn against the bloodshed that could manifest itself
if this all of a sudden should change. And eventually it will turn around, it’s the timing that sucks. That the...
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Dienstag, 08.10.2002, 12:03 Uhr
Dienstag, 08.10.2002, 12:03 Uhr