Market - After wild comes?
Things had calmed down this morning, seeing Thursday trading high and low with exceptional volumes and a weak close. Today the sentiment started off bearish too, but V2-03 lifted above 232 NOK/MWh during morning trading and the nearest weeks were up a few NOK. Players said they were incredibly pleased with the last days’ action, but were still cautious in their predictions for next week, which could be a week of more surprises.
A Swedish player found it quite hard to have a very clear opinion about today’s market. He nevertheless argued that many now
seemed to believe that the autumn contract would retest 216/217, something he didn’t. The spot and the weather would prevent
prices from falling that much, he said.
- I think we’ll see V2-03 back at 235 NOK/MWh, maybe not today, but next...
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Freitag, 13.06.2003, 11:48 Uhr
Freitag, 13.06.2003, 11:48 Uhr