Market - A weak link
Inflow is high and the spot is weak, factors that were confirmed this afternoon. The Thursday system price was fixed at 165.36 NOK/MWh (-45.27) and reservoir figures were significantly up in both Norway and Sweden. The drier weather outlooks presented this afternoon decelerated a further fall, but the market remained red throughout the afternoon, and an international trader said that he really wanted to be bearish now.
Expectations regarding the presently weak situation were confirmed today, at the same time as weather forecasts turned around
from the morning wetness to a drier outlook this afternoon. The system price fell to this year’s weakest Ascension Day, with
the lowest hour down at 106.81 NOK/MWh. The Phelix showed lack of strength tomorrow too, base fixed at 10.13 EUR/MWh, peak
at 8.68...
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Mittwoch, 28.05.2003, 15:50 Uhr
Mittwoch, 28.05.2003, 15:50 Uhr