Market - A Trader´s Sense of Snow
The Thursday market opened cautiously on thin trading, while weather forecasts are looking at possibly more precipitation ahead. SO2 traded back forth this morning, while the overall picture today is an unchanged market. An international trader we spoke with this morning argued that the single most interesting issue at the moment is snow, the same discussion that is raised every year.
A Norwegian producer agreed to the importance of snow, but differed somewhat in opinion regarding the current situation.Don’t fool meAs the market seems very unsure of the direction right now, Thursday morning was another maybe-game. An international trader
argued that the current situation is the same as every spring, when the producers are pulling the same old trick, keeping
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Donnerstag, 04.04.2002, 12:20 Uhr
Donnerstag, 04.04.2002, 12:20 Uhr