Market - A little bullish
The Monday market was a little bullish seeing the possibilities for a drier and colder weather type. The market was hesitant however, and according to a Norwegian trader the morning’s EC prognosis could quickly become wetter and milder again. A Swedish trader pointed out that the market had been oversold lately, and that the spot would be lifted rapidly if colder weather arrives.
The Monday spot was considered weak and the morning lift was entirely due to the EC operational, both traders held. Neither
had much faith in the EC however, but the Swedish trader argued that it had initiated more caution in the market again.
- We expected that today’s outlooks could be drier than before the weekend, seeing that the high amounts of precipitation
that have been...
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Montag, 15.12.2003, 11:20 Uhr
Montag, 15.12.2003, 11:20 Uhr