Market - A little bit down and a little bit up
The Tuesday morning market was down in the front and up in the forwards, but had calmed down considerably from the busy Monday. Weather forecasts are slightly wetter and the spot is expected to start sliding. Yesterday’s gap has been corrected, something that was expected all along, a Norwegian player said. A Danish player waited for news from Ringhals1, which he received, but little action was triggered as a consequence.
The spot is expected to weaken tomorrow, and the Norwegian player said that the nearest contracts came down a notch due to
this. Weather forecasts were, as expected, wetter today, while the forward curve is kept strong seeing that the fundamental
situation is not improving anymore, rather going sideways, he claimed.
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Dienstag, 17.06.2003, 11:33 Uhr
Dienstag, 17.06.2003, 11:33 Uhr