Gas - Weekly review
(Heren Energy) - The week’s activity started on a bullish note with the unplanned shutdown of the Marathon-operated East Brae field, which resulted in the system starting Monday short and subsequently setting the tone for the first half of the week. Continuing problems at other offshore locations added further strength to the market with many periods reaching life-of-contract highs on Tuesday before declining slightly on Wednesday.
These relatively small declines on Wednesday were compounded by Thursday’s shift away from the bullish sentiment that dominated
the start of the week, one trader commenting that the market signals were “not so much a red rag to the bulls, but a bit more
of a white flag from them”, as the week’s earlier gains were substantially eroded. Monday saw the...
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Montag, 03.11.2003, 08:49 Uhr
Montag, 03.11.2003, 08:49 Uhr