(Heren Energy) - The Bank Holiday Monday in England and Wales meant a late start to the week, with NBP prompt contracts starting higher on Tuesday. The Within-day and Day-ahead contracts both gained over half a penny in early activity, trading up to 13.30-13.40 p/th and 13.50-13.60 p/th respectively as the system opened short.
However, these early increases were tempered by the system gaining length throughout the day, with Within-day reaching 13.00
p/th and day-ahead 13.40-13.50 p/th by late afternoon. The moving of a rig at the Total operated Franklin field at the weekend
has little impact on supply or prices and full production returned on Sunday.
Market activity appeared to be focused on the September and...
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© 2025 Energie & Management GmbH
Montag, 01.09.2003, 08:17 Uhr
Montag, 01.09.2003, 08:17 Uhr