Gas - Weekly Review
(Heren Energy) - The prompt market opened firmer last week, recovering from the Friday sell off. Problems offshore Bacton at the weekend, the return of Rough storage from a glitch and the delayed restart of the East Brae field all pushed prices up and the Day-ahead closed at 14.275-14.30 p/th on Monday.
Prices were pushed and pulled during the first half of the week however, on yet another unplanned outage at Rough, this time
affecting 100%of injection on Tuesday. An earlier than expected restart on Wednesday boosted the Within-day and Day-ahead
contracts, but by the end of the week the trend was bearish again.The return of East Brae was thought to be giving the market plenty of slack...
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Montag, 25.08.2003, 08:24 Uhr
Montag, 25.08.2003, 08:24 Uhr