GAS - Prices fall in early trading
(Heren Energy) - Zeebrugge prices closed mostly lower on Friday on morning losses, before pipeline operator IUK announced that it would undertake the necessary steps as of 06:00 GMT on Saturday to switch the Bacton-Zeebrugge Interconnector back into reverse flow (UK import mode.)
Day-ahead basis consequently moved from –0.50 p/th to flat during the session, as NBP players engaged in a spate of selling,
anticipating a flip in the Interconnector following the publication early afternoon of nominations for capacity through the
pipeline. Despite IUK’s announcement, prompt contracts closed largely weaker, due to the fact that the majority of players
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Montag, 24.11.2003, 08:22 Uhr
Montag, 24.11.2003, 08:22 Uhr