Gas - NBP prices leap late on
(Heren Energy) - Day-ahead at Zeebrugge went through at the start at –0.30 p/th basis to the UK’s NBP market, with the Balance-of-month contract going through at the same 0.30 p/th discount.
The basis then narrowed on the Day-ahead as it moved to flat with the NBP. Players are evenly split as to whether the Belgium-UK
Interconnector will reverse flow due to prompt Zeebrugge prices slipping regularly into negative basis to the NBP. “It could
flip around at any time theoretically. But I think the Interconnector will reverse on the next forecast of a spell of cold...
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Dienstag, 04.11.2003, 09:32 Uhr
Dienstag, 04.11.2003, 09:32 Uhr