Gas - Day-ahead in Zeebrugge dropped
(Heren Energy) - Day-ahead at Zeebrugge dropped with the NBP on Wednesday following news of the return of the Brae field in the North Sea, which partially eased mounting supply shortage concerns on the UK market.
The contract began at a slight discount to the NBP, trading at around –0.10 p/th basis before shifting to trade up to +0.225
p/th in good volume. Later in the session the basis had narrowed again, closing around flat to the NBP. “I think that the
continental spot prices are due for a reality check over the coming days and will move downwards,” commented one market...
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Donnerstag, 30.10.2003, 08:27 Uhr
Donnerstag, 30.10.2003, 08:27 Uhr