Commodities - Softer gas
Gas prices softened across the board on Tuesday as traders say supply is abundant. Meanwhile, supply uncertainties in the oil market fuel fears of oil prices above 80 dollar.
Prices on the UK and the continental gas markets moved down on Wednesday. "There is enough natural gas in the pipeline," one
continental gas trader argued. In his opinion, the unusual cold summer had reduced consumption. On the UK NBP hub the Q4-07
contract shed 1.05p/therm to end the day at 38.35p/therm while Q1-08 lost 65p to 47.30p/term. The Cal 08 contract shed 55p
to end the day...
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Mittwoch, 11.07.2007, 08:10 Uhr
Mittwoch, 11.07.2007, 08:10 Uhr